Nginx 403 selinux

To check if SELinux is running:

# getenforce

To disable SELinux until next reboot:

# setenforce Permissive

Restart Nginx and see if the problem persists. If you would like to permanently alter the settings you can edit 


If SELinux is your problem you can run the following to allow nginx to serve your www directory (make sure you turn SELinux back on before testing this. i.e, 

# setenforce Enforcing


# chcon -Rt httpd_sys_content_t /path/to/www

If you’re still having issues take a look at the boolean flags in 

getsebool -a

, in particular you may need to turn on 


 for network access

# setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect on

For me it was enough to allow http to serve my www directory.

未經允許不得轉載:GoMCU » Nginx 403 selinux